• CRE Petitions CMS to Publish the Secretary’s “Financial Standards” for the Medicare DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program

    CRE has provided CMS with a mechanism for making the Competitive Bidding Workable, simply by adopting the Small Business Enhancement Option.

    Recognizing the statutory requirement that CMS proceed with a competitive bidding program, CRE has developed the Small Business Enhancement Option.

    This option has three components:

    l.         A “single payment amount” which would be determined  by the competitive bidding process.

    2.        Any qualified small business, as defined by SBA, would be able to supply product and services at the “single payment” amount.

    3.        CMS would require that competitive bidding contracts be non-transferrable for a period of no less than one calendar year.

    Failure of CMS to adopt the Small Business Enhancement option requires that CRE pursue an alternative which would  ensure that small businesses do not face discrinatory actions in the competitive bidding process; the petition in the attachment hereto accomplishes that goal.

    Beneficiaries with complaints should file formal complaints with the Competitive Bidding Ombudsman. See the attached handbook attached below, directions are on page 4, the complaint form is on page 6.cms-complaint-handbook


    1 responses to “CRE Petitions CMS to Publish the Secretary’s “Financial Standards” for the Medicare DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program” RSS icon

    • 2. Any qualified small business, as defined by SBA, would be able to supply product and services at the “single payment” amount.


      please tell me that the meaning of “qualified” in this item indicates accredidation???

      i’m still waiting for my billing number to reactivate…and we are Very Small.

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