“I just received a letter about competitive bidding meaning that small businesses are actually losing out . . . I would like to know what I could do to keep this from happening because we’ve been losing our small businesses here in this small town for last 15 years”
The following call was received on CRE’s DME Hotline: 1-800-613-7678:
“Good afternoon. I am calling because I get my [???] supplies, I have COPD, from a local distributor in a very small town called Pontotoc, Mississippi. I just received a letter about competitive bidding meaning that small businesses are actually losing out and I’m not sure what’s going on. ….I would like to know what I could do to keep this from happening because we’ve been losing our small businesses here in this small town for last 15 years but I have come back to live here.
I would like to know what I can do to keep our small business in practice because our small businesses are going down faster than I would ever believe. … Thank you and have blessed day.”
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