FedLaw Logo


Introduction and Instructions

FedLaw was developed to see if legal resources on the Internet could be a useful and cost-effective research tool for Federal lawyers and other Federal employees. Fedlaw has assembled references of use to people doing Federal legal research and which can be accessed directly through "point and click" hypertext connections.

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Topical and Title Index

Alphabetical index of subjects in FedLaw - you can go directly to a specific subject or law.

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Federal Statutes and Regulations

By Subject Category

This will be the section you use the most, many different categories

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Federal Judiciary

Supreme Court; Circuit, District, Bankruptcy, and other Courts

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Legislative Branch

General Accounting Office; Congress; Legislation

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Arbitration and Mediation

Federal laws; arbitration and mediation rules; alternate dispute resolution

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General Research and Reference

Legal and business research sites; finding people, places, and things; Federal Government information; publications and news sources; directions, maps, and travel; weather; currency

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Professional Associations and Organizations

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"How-to" Legal-related Sites

Tips for lawyers and about writing

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