Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI)

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SEDAC's new interface for the Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI) database and a new prototype SEDAC Data Viewer have just been released. These interfaces provide more flexible access to selected SEDAC datasets related to international environmental treaties and other topics.

We encourage you to try out these new interfaces and to provide feedback!

Welcome to ENTRI

Welcome to ENTRI, a fast, convenient, comprehensive online search service for finding information about environmental treaties and national resource indicators. The ENTRI system is unique in allowing you to construct queries that integrate these different types of data.

The ENTRI system is organized around a set of nine specific "issue areas" that are widely recognized by scholars and policymakers as being critical to understanding the human dimensions of global change. The ENTRI Thematic Guide provides some introductory thoughts on how (and why) to use disparate types of data (including remotely sensed data) to understand these complex, multi-dimensional issues.

ENTRI is a highly collaborative project that draws heavily upon the contributions and expertise of cooperating institutions.

For an overview of the ENTRI web space please consult the Table of Contents.

ENTRI User Forums

The purpose of these user forums is to encourage you to interact with the system maintainers and with other users. Please take a moment to browse and respond.

An E-mail-only Gateway to ENTRI

If you don't have convenient or regular access to a WWW browser, you can access ENTRI via CIESIN's e-mail-only gateway to the World-Wide Web. For more information, mailto:www.mail@ciesin.columbia.edu.

Suggested Citation

Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). 1996-2001. Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI) [online]. Palisades, NY: CIESIN. URL: https://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/entri/

Information in ENTRI

Remote Sensing and Environmental Treaties: Building More Effective Linkages workshop proceedings are now available.

NEW! Ten new treaty texts are available from the Ramsar Convention Bureau.

ENTRI Table of Contents.

ENTRI Remote Sensing Image Gallery provides online images with descriptive information and links to relevant environmental treaties.

The basic questions help users to access treaty status and indicator data.

Please visit our ENTRI User Forums.

If you have questions or need assistance using ENTRI visit SEDAC's user assistance page.

Searching and Browsing the ENTRI System

You can search the ENTRI relational database via a set of basic questions pertaining to international environmental agreements.

  1. When did a treaty enter into force?

  2. Which treaties are in force for a given state?

  3. Which states are party to a given treaty?

  4. What are the values of national resource indicators related to a given issue and a given state?

  5. What are the values of selected national resource indicators for all states that are (or are not) parties to a particular treaty at a given time?

  6. Based on the value of selected national resource indicators, which states are parties to a particular treaty or treaties?

  7. What treaties are related to a particular subject (using keywords assigned by IUCN)?

Note that it may take up to 30 seconds to load the initial screen of each basic question, but results will be returned much more quickly.

You can also perform free text searches across the collections of treaty information residing at CIESIN:

You can explore the WRI national resource indicator data in the World Resources 1996-1997 Data Query page. It presents an alternate view of the data contained in the indicators section of ENTRI, accessible via basic questions above. Whereas ENTRI organizes the data by issue areas and in relation to treaty status data, the WRI data query page presents the data according to the same logical structure as the WRI book and is not integrated with treaty status data.

You may also explore ENTRI data by browsing:

Finally, you may explore ENTRI via the ENTRI Thematic Guide, which provides an issue-oriented view of the relation between treaties and national resource indicators.

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