Aerial Applicator




WPS Warning Signs

Warning Requirements





















Office of the Chief Economist




  • EPA GUIDANCE ON DRIFT 8/13/01. The purpose of this new labeling guidance is to provide pesticide registrants, applicators, and other individuals responsible for pesticide applications with improved and more consistent product label statements for controlling pesticide drift in order to be protective of human health and the environment.
  • DECONTAMINATION. 6/26/96. Reduces period in which decontamination supplies must be available to workers entering fields treated with low-toxicity pesticides. Download Text 43k | Download Zip 14k
  • WARNING SIGNS. 6/26/96. Permits second language other than Spanish if used by a majority of non-English speaking workers to be used on warning signs. Also permits smaller signs to be used under certain circumstances in nurseries and greenhouses. Download Text 38k | Download Zip 13k
  • CROP ADVISORS. 5/3/95. Exempts certain qualified crop advisors and certain persons performing crop advising tasks under their direct supervision from some WPS requirements. Download Text 40k | Download Zip 11k
  • IRRIGATION. 5/3/95. Exception allows workers to perform necessary irrigation activities, which if delayed could cause significant economic loss, and that result in minimal contact with pesticide-treated surfaces, for a maximum of 8 hours in a 24-hour period during a restricted-entry interval. Download Text 37k | Download Zip 13k
  • TRAINING GRACE PERIOD. 5/3/95. Allows 5-day grace period for WPS training provided that specified basic pesticide safety information is received by workers prior to entering treated area. Download Text 30k | Download Zip 10k
  • LIMITED CONTACT RE-ENTRY. 5/3/95. Exception allows workers to perform tasks, which if delayed would result in significant economic loss, and that result in minimal contact with pesticide-treated surfaces, for up to 8 hours per 24-hour period during a restricted entry interval. Download Text 38k | Download Zip 13k

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Al French, USDA Coordinator of Agricultural Labor Affairs, can be reached at (202) 720-4737 or by e-mail at Al.French@usda.gov

Last revised: January 29, 2002
URL https://www.usda.gov/oce/oce/labor-affairs/wpspage.htm

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