Air Act - Table of Contents
This page lists the sections of the Clean Air Act as amended in 1990.
Click on a specific title to see a list of that title's sections. Click on
a specific section to see the text of that section.
Sec. 101. Findings and
purposes. Sec. 102.
Cooperative activities and uniform laws. Sec. 103. Research,
investigation, training, and other activities. Sec. 104. Research relating
to fuels and vehicles. Sec. 105. Grants for support
of air pollution planning and control programs. Sec. 106. Interstate air
quality agencies or commissions. Sec. 107. Air quality control
regions. Sec. 108.
Air quality criteria and control techniques. Sec. 109. National ambient
air quality standards. Sec. 110. Implementation
plans. Sec. 111.
Standards of performance for new stationary sources. Sec. 112. National emission
standards for hazardous air pollutants. Sec. 113. Federal
Enforcement. Sec.
114. Inspections, monitoring, and entry. Sec. 115. International air
pollution. Sec.
116. Retention of state authority. Sec. 117. President's air
quality advisory board and advisory committees. Sec. 118. Control of
pollution from federal facilities. Sec. 119. Primary nonferrous
smelter orders. Sec. 120. Noncompliance
penalty. Sec. 121.
Consultation. Sec.
122. Listing of certain unregulated pollutants. Sec. 123. Stack
heights. Sec. 124.
Assurance of adequacy of state plans. Sec. 125. Measures to prevent
economic disruption or unemployment. Sec. 126. Interstate
pollution abatement. Sec. 127. Public
notification. Sec.
128. State boards. Sec. 129. Solid Waste
Combustion. Sec.
130. Emission Factors. Sec. 131. Land Use
The 1990 CAA Amendments replaced Part B with Title VI -
Stratospheric Ozone Protection , which follows later on this page. The
following sections of Part B were replaced:
Sec. 150. Purposes. Sec. 151. Findings and
definitions. Sec. 152. Definitions. Sec. 153. Studies by
environmental protection agency. Sec. 154.
Research and monitoring by other
agencies. Sec. 155. Progress of
regulation. Sec. 156. International
cooperation. Sec. 157. Regulations. Sec. 158. Other provisions
unaffected. Sec. 159. State
SUBPART 1 - Clean Air
Sec. 160.
Purposes. Sec. 161.
Plan requirements. Sec. 162. Initial
classifications. Sec. 163. Increments and
ceilings. Sec. 164.
Area redesignation. Sec. 165. Preconstruction
requirements. Sec.
166. Other pollutants. Sec. 167.
Enforcement. Sec.
168. Period before plan approval. Sec. 169.
SUBPART 2 - Visibility Protection
Sec. 169a. Visibility
protection for federal class I areas. Sec. 169b.
SUBPART 1 - Nonattainment Areas in General
Sec. 171.
Definitions. Sec.
172. Nonattainment plan provisions. Sec. 173. Permit
requirements. Sec.
174. Planning procedures. Sec. 175. Environmental
protection agency grants. Sec. 175A. Maintenance
Plans. Sec. 176.
Limitation on certain federal assistance. Sec. 176A. Interstate
Transport Commissions. Sec. 177. New motor vehicle
emission standards in nonattainment areas. Sec. 178. Guidance
documents. Sec.
179. Sanctions and consequences of failure to attain Sec. 179B. International
border areas
SUBPART 2 - Additional Provisions for Ozone Nonattainment Areas
Sec. 181.
Classifications and attainment dates. Sec. 182. Plan submissions
and requirements. Sec. 183. Federal ozone
measures. Sec. 184.
Control of interstate ozone air pollution. Sec. 185. Enforcement for
Severe and Extreme ozone nonattainment areas for failure to
attain. Sec. 185A.
Transitional areas. Sec. 185B. NOx and VOC
SUBPART 3 - Additional Provisions for carbon monoxide nonattainment
Sec. 186.
Classification and attainment dates. Sec. 187. Plan submissions
and requirements.
SUBPART 4 - Additional Provisions for particulate matter nonattainment
Sec. 188.
Classification and attainment dates. Sec. 189. Plan provisions and
schedules for plan submissions. Sec. 190. Issuance of RACM
and BACM guidance.
SUBPART 5 - Additional provisions for designated nonattainment for
sulfur oxides, nitrogen dioxide, or lead
Sec. 191. Plan
submission deadlines. Sec. 192. Attainment
SUBPART 6 - Savings provisions
Sec. 193. General
savings clause.
Sec. 201. Short
Sec. 202. Establishment
of standards. Sec.
203. Prohibited acts. Sec. 204. Injunction
proceedings. Sec.
205. Penalties. Sec. 206. Motor vehicle and
motor vehicle engine compliance testing and certification. Sec. 207. Compliance by
vehicles and engines in actual use. Sec. 208. Records and
reports. Sec. 209.
State standards. Sec. 210. State
grants. Sec. 211.
Regulation of fuels. Sec. 212. Development of
low-emission vehicles. Sec. 213. Nonroad engines and
vehicles. Sec. 214.
Study of particulate emissions from motor vehicles. Sec. 215. High altitude
performance adjustments. Sec. 216. Definitions for
part A. Sec. 217.
Motor vehicle compliance program fees. Sec. 218. Prohibition on
production of engines requiring leaded gasoline. Sec. 219. Urban bus
Sec. 231. Establishment
of standards. Sec.
232. Enforcement of standards. Sec. 233. State standards and
controls. Sec. 234.
Sec. 241.
Definitions. Sec.
242. Requirements Applicable to clean fuel vehicles. Sec. 243. Standards for
light-duty clean fuel vehicles. Sec. 244. Administration and
enforcement as per California standards. Sec. 245. Standards for
heavy-duty clean-fuel vehicles(GVWR above 8,500 up to 26,000
lbs). Sec. 246.
Centrally fueled fleets. Sec. 247. Vehicle
conversions. Sec.
248. Federal agency fleets. Sec. 249. California pilot
test program. Sec.
250. General provisions.
Sec. 301.
Administration. Sec. 302.
Definitions. Sec.
303. Emergency powers. Sec. 304. Citizen
suits. Sec. 305.
Representation in litigation. Sec. 306. Federal
procurement. Sec.
307. General provisions relating to administrative proceedings and
judicial review. Sec. 308. Mandatory
licensing. Sec.
309. Policy review. Sec. 310. Other authority not
affected. Sec. 311.
Records and audit. Sec. 312. Comprehensive
economic cost studies and studies of cost effectiveness
analysis. Sec. 313.
Additional reports to congress. Sec. 314. Labor
standards. Sec.
315. Separability. Sec. 316. Sewage treatment
grants. Sec. 317.
Short title. Sec.
318A. Economic impact assessment. Sec. 318B. Financial
disclosure; conflicts of interest. Sec. 319. Air quality
monitoring. Sec.
320. Standardized air quality modeling. Sec. 321. Employment
effects. Sec. 322.
Employee protection. Sec. 323. Cost of emission
control for certain vapor recovery to be borne by owner of retail
outlet. Sec. 324.
Vapor recovery for small business marketers of petroleum
products. Sec. 325.
Exemptions for certain territories. Sec. 326. Construction of
certain clauses. Sec. 327.
Appropriations. Sec. 328. Air pollution from
outer continental shelf activities
Sec. 401. Findings and
purpose. Sec. 402.
Definitions. Sec.
403. Sulfur dioxide allowance program for existing and new
units. Sec. 404.
Phase I sulfur dioxide requirements. Sec. 405. Phase II sulfur
dioxide requirements. Sec. 406. Allowances for
States with emissions rates at or below 0.80lbs/mmBtu. Sec. 407. Nitrogen oxides
emission reduction program. Sec. 408. Permits and
compliance plans. Sec. 409. Repowered
sources. Sec. 410.
Election for additional sources. Sec. 411. Excess emissions
penalty. Sec. 412.
Monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements. Sec. 413. General compliance
with other provisions. Sec. 414.
Enforcement. Sec.
415. Clean coal technology regulatory incentives. Sec. 416. Contingency
guarantee; auctions, reserve.
Sec. 501.
Definitions. Sec.
502. Permit programs. Sec. 503. Permit
applications. Sec.
504. Permit requirements and conditions. Sec. 505. Notification to
Administrator and contiguous States. Sec. 506. Other
authorities. Sec.
507. Small business stationary source technical and environmental
compliance assistance program.
Sec. 601.
Definitions. Sec.
602. Listing of class I and class II substances. Sec. 603. Monitoring and
reporting requirements. Sec. 604. Phase-out of
production and consumption of class I substances. Sec. 605. Phase-out of
production and consumption of class II substances. Sec. 606. Accelerated
schedule. Sec. 607.
Exchanges. [Exchange authority.] Sec. 608. National recycling
and emission reduction program. Sec. 609. Servicing of motor
vehicle air conditioners. Sec. 610. Nonessential
products containing chlorofluorocarbons. Sec. 611. Labeling. Sec. 612. Safe alternatives
policy. Sec. 613.
Federal procurement. Sec. 614. Relationship to
other law. Sec.
615. Authority of Administrator. Sec. 616. Transfers among
Parties to the Montreal Protocol. Sec. 617. International
cooperation. Sec.
618. Miscellaneous [provisions].