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Housing, Landlord Tenant

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    Public Housing Anti-Crime Amendments of 1980

12 USC 1701z-6 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 1975

12 USC 2801 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Low-Income Housing Preservation and Resident Homeownership Act of 1990

12 USC 4101 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Housing Opportunities for Persons with Aids

42 USC Chap. 131 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Indian Housing Act of 1988

42 USC 1437aa (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Priorities and Allocations Act, housing

42 USC 1501 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Department of Housing and Urban Development Act

42 USC 3531 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Fair Housing

42 USC 3604 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Public and Assisted Housing Drug Elimination Act of 1990

42 USC 11901 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Removal of Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing Act of 1992

42 USC 12705a (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Fair Housing

42 USC Chapter 45 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (Federal Financial Institutions Examinations Council)

    Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act and associated regulations (Dept. of Housing and Urban Development)

    Fair Housing Laws, overview (Dept. of Housing and Urban Development)

    Housing laws and regulations for consumers (Dept. of Housing and Urban Development)

    Mortgage Law Materials - search (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Landlord-tenant law materials (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Implementation of the Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995

42 USC 3601-3619 (National Fair Housing Advocate)


    Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) Streamlining Existing Regulations and Implementation of Issuer Eligibility and Integrity Reforms - 24 CFR 300, 310, 320, 330, 340, 350, 360, 370, 380, 390, and 395 (Housing and Urban Development)

    HUD Forms warehouse (Housing and Urban Development)

    HUD's handbooks, notices, mortgagee letters, regulations, and other official issuances (Housing and Urban Development)

    Manufactured Home Safety Standards (Dept. of Housing and Urban Development)

    Interstate Land Sales (Dept. of Housing and Urban Development)

    Public Housing (PIH) Notices, 1996 (Dept. of Housing and Urban Development)


    Fannie Mae

    Freddie Mac

    Information For Public Housing Attorneys (Dept. of Housing and Urban Development)

    U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

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