Mitigation and monitoring during drilling O&G

Does anyone have information or is aware of the existence of any mitigation protocols for marine mammals during drilling operations for O&G industry? Any help or information is very welcome.

Federico Riet

BOEM and BSEE Compliant Course on marine mammal observation and mitigation

Last chance to book places on this BOEM and BSEE Compliant course.

Comprehensive training from experts in their field for those who wish to pursue a career in marine mammal observation and mitigation for the offshore seismic industry. It includes one day on board a vessel to allow you to gain experience with marine mammal identification while at sea.

Day 1 (classroom)
Introduction to Marine Mammals & Sea Turtles
Legislation within the Gulf of Mexico & Global Oceans
Introduction to Seismic Surveys
Permitting Requirements
Role of the PSO
Data Collection & Reporting

St Andrews Distance Sampling Workshops

A few places still remain for the introductory and advanced distance sampling workshops, held in St. Andrews in late August. Early registration deadline is 18 July. Visit
to register and for additional details.

The Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling (CREEM) is hosting two linked workshops in the summer of
2014 in our purpose-built facilities at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. The aim of these workshops is to train participants in the latest methods for design and analysis of distance sampling surveys,
including line and point transects. The workshops are taught by leading researchers in the field, using industry-standard software.

Protected Species Observer Training BOEM & BSEE Compliant

A 2 day interactive course aimed at people who wish to pursue a career in marine mammal observation and mitigation for the offshore seismic industry.
This course has been designed to equip the delegates with a thorough background on all the aspects you will be required to know when working offshore. We have incorporated a day on board a vessel to allow you to gain experience with marine mammal identification while at sea.

Day 1 (classroom)

. Introduction to Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles

. Legislation within the Gulf of Mexico and global oceans

. Introduction to Seismic Surveys

Article Explains Value of Seismic

The Wall Street Daily recently published an article entitled “4-D Seismic Technology Unlocks Huge Oil Find: Oil’s Billion Dollar Secret Weapon.” This article explains the importance of seismic to the oil and gas industry. This article can be accessed at

3rd International Marine Conservation

There is a substantial amount of specific marine mammal conservation content in the 3rd International Marine Conservation, including sessions on underwater noise impacts, several sections on whale watching, marine mammal ethics/welfare plus sessions on marine protected areas, fisheries impacts, pollution, international treaties, marine climate change, presentations on cetaceans, sirenians,pinnipeds, otters and many, many more topics.

3rd International Marine Conservation Congress (14-18 August 2014, Glasgow,

PAM Courses Available

the Introduction and Practical PAM courses are taking
place on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th May on the beautiful Isle of Mull, Scotland.

The intro course
2nd May) introduces participants to PAMGUARD, a leading open source
software suite for passive acoustics. The one day course intends to provide
a basic foundation in passive acoustic software allowing participants to
then gain experience as PAM operators under supervision or go on to our
practical and/or advanced courses.

Hydenlyne Seeks Asian MMOs and PAM operators.

Hydenlyne is currently looking to increase their database of environmental consultants.

Currently, we are seeking Asian MMOs and PAM operators.

If you are interested please send your CV to: with the subject heading: Asian MMO

Emma Forrester
Project Manager

UK Mobile +44 (0)7730222001
Office +44 (0)1202 900078
1 Princes Court
Princes Road
BH22 9JG

FWS’ Revised SARs for Manatees

In accordance with the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, as amended (MMPA), and its implementing regulations, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has published FWS’ revised stock assessment reports for two West Indian manatee stocks: the Florida manatee stock and the Puerto Rico stock of Antillean manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris and Trichechus manatus manatus, respectively), including incorporation of public comments.

You may view both revised SARs on under Docket No. FWS–R4–ES–2012– 0081.

Comment on Navy Draft EIS/OEIS

The U.S. Navy has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement (EIS/OEIS) to evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with military readiness training and testing activities conducted primarily within existing range complexes, operating areas and testing ranges in the Northwest Training and Testing (NWTT) Study Area. The Navy invites you to comment on the NWTT Draft EIS/OEIS.

Proposed Action
The Navy proposes to conduct training and testing activities, to include the use of active sonar and explosives, within the NWTT Study Area. The Proposed Action also includes pierside sonar maintenance and testing within the NWTT Study Area.