From: George Washington University/Regulatory Studies Center

Start Date: 2/14/2014 Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Date: 2/14/2014 End Time: 1:30 PM

The George Washington University Regulatory Studies Center and the Trachtenberg School Career Development Services present Noshing with Notables, informal lunch talks with successful public policy experts about their careers and career paths.

The February 14 Noshing with Notables will feature Alexander Hunt, Branch Chief, Office of Information of Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management & Budget, Executive Office of the President. The event will take place from 12-1:30p.m. in MPA Room 601Z. Lunch is provided and space is limited, so please register. Attendance is only open to the GW Community

Alexander Hunt is a Branch Chief in the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) within the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB). As Chief of OIRA’s Information Policy Branch, he is responsible for the development and oversight of the U.S. government’s policies and practices relating to open government, privacy, use of voluntary consensus standards, records management, and related information policy issues. Mr. Hunt also helps to lead the U.S. government’s regulatory cooperation initiatives with Canada, Mexico, and the European Union, and he currently serves as the U.S. government’s delegate to the OECD Regulatory Policy Committee and the APEC Economic Committee. Mr. Hunt has made presentations on good regulatory practices, international regulatory cooperation, and U.S. regulatory policy in over a dozen countries. Previously, he was involved in OIRA’s oversight of regulatory and information policies of the Departments of Transportation, Homeland Security, and Treasury. Prior to joining OMB, Mr. Hunt was a Research Associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, where he worked on comprehensive tax and health care reform. He received a bachelor’s degree in international relations with honors from Occidental College and a Master of Public Administration from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, where he was also an International Fellow.

Noshing with Notables provides an opportunity for George Washington University students to meet and engage with successful policy practitioners in an informal setting over lunch. Our “Notables” are public policy experts from the government, private sector, academia, and non-profit entities.

The George Washington University Regulatory Studies Center raises awareness of regulations’ effects and improves regulatory policy through research, education, and outreach.

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