From: OMB Regulatory Studies Fall Fellowship


The George Washington University Regulatory Studies Fellowship offers a unique, cross-cutting perspective on how federal regulations are developed. Experience in the Office of Management & Budget, Executive Office of the President is invaluable for anyone interested in working in or with the federal government, and the Office of Information & Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) within OMB is the key policy coordination office for federal regulatory, statistical, and information policy. The deadline to apply for the fall Fellowship is June 1.

GW Regulatory Studies Fellows work under the guidance of OIRA policy analysts to coordinate interagency review of selected federal regulations under Executive Order 12866. Fellows analyze regulatory impacts (benefits, costs and qualitative effects) of selected regulations and collections of information, and coordinate with other federal agencies to ensure the regulations are consistent with statutory intent, administration policy and regulatory principles.

Recipients of the Regulatory Studies Fall OMB Fellowship will receive $3,500 in three installments for 20 hours per week for 13 weeks.

Successful applicants will:

  • Be enrolled in the Trachtenberg School during academic year 2014-2015.
  • Have completed PPPA 6014: Economics in Policy Analysis or equivalent coursework in applied intermediate microeconomics. (Completion of PPPA 6015: Benefit-Cost Analysis and/or PPPA 6085.12: Regulatory Comment Clinic is desirable, but not necessary.)

To apply, submit

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