From: Office of Management and Budget

Mick Mulvaney, Director


II. Overview & Process

This memorandum focuses primarily on providing guidance that agencies need to develop their Agency Reform Plans. OMB, in coordination with other offices within the Executive Office of the President, will separately manage the development of key crosscutting proposals and solicit input from the public. For planning purposes, this memorandum also provides agencies guidance on aligning actions to develop the Government-wide Reform Plan with the development of the President’s FY 2019 Budget and the performance planning requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Modernization Act of2010. In developing the Government-wide Reform Plan, the Administration will also work with key stakeholders, including Congress, to develop proposals and ultimately implementation.

Key actions and deliverables are outlined below and Figure 1 provides a graphic of the timeline for these initiatives. A more detailed timeline and other resources are available to Executive branch agencies at

Read Complete Memorandum M-17-22