From: United States Senator for Utah – Orrin Hatch

Washington, D.C.—Today, Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah—the senior member and former Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee—introduced his former staffer, Neomi Rao, to the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Rao has been nominated by the President to serve as the next Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). Senator Hatch expressed his strong support for Rao’s confirmation and also outlined his agenda to further regulatory reform.

Statement on Professor Neomi Rao and regulatory reform:

“Mr. Chairman, it is my distinct pleasure to introduce Professor Neomi Rao at today’s hearing, and to fully commend her confirmation to the committee. I’ve known Professor Rao for some time, ever since she worked as a counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Since then, Professor Rao has distinguished herself in private practice, government service, and academia. Her experiences have prepared her well for what will be an important and challenging task ahead.

Over the span of several past administrations, a consensus has formed that an important step in streamlining and improving the administrative process is to empower an OIRA Administrator. Professor Rao is supremely and uniquely qualified to step into this role. Under her watch, we can expect OIRA to carefully scrutinize rules to assure that they satisfy cost-benefit analysis.”

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