Editor’s Note: The most explicit linkage between the fiscal and regulatory realm—and the most successfully enforced regulatory review program—was President Nixon’s Quality of Life Review  which was “conducted by the ‘budget’ side of OMB meaning that those conducting the reviews not only reviewed an agency’s regulations but also its budget, personnel level, information collections and its overall policies to assess, and enforce, their compliance with Presidential policy. In addition the Nixon program granted OMB the authority to review guidance and related quasi-rulemaking documents.” See here.

From: Forbes | Opinion

There is considerable synergy between this directive and Trump’s February executive order on “Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda” (E.O. 13777) setting up “Regulatory Reform Officers” and “Regulatory Reform Task Forces” at agencies, in terms of the big questions over what should and what will all these agencies do in years to come.

Together these orders present the most explicit linkages between the fiscal and regulatory realms in, well, pretty much ever.

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