From: The National Review



Rao is simply a fantastic choice for the DC Circuit spot. A former Clarence Thomas clerk and a brilliant legal scholar, she has the right mix of experience and training to be a superb judge (and at 45 years old, she could be a superb judge for a very long time). She also has the temperament every American should want in a senior federal judge—calm and thoughtful, but thoroughly independent-minded and unafraid of thorny controversies.

If the Senate confirms her, as it certainly should, the administration will need someone new to lead its regulatory shop, and it’s awfully important that the job go to someone committed to advancing a durable transformation of the broken and misguided federal regulatory apparatus. Rao has had this vision, and has tried to implement it. But it has to be said that while she has seen through some significant rollbacks of (particularly second-term) Obama-era rules, we have not seen serious changes in the structure of federal regulation in this period, and so the Trump administration’s deregulatory efforts to date are not likely to leave a lasting mark as they now stand.

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