CRE Sends Letter to US Presidential Task Force on Bee Health Decline

September 29, 2014

Dear Administrator McCarthy,

The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness has prepared the attached Memorandum  on bee health to assist you in responding to the President.  Please note that virtually all the information presented herein is based upon documents prepared by national governments studying the same issue.

We look forward to working with the Task Force in using the best available science to protect pollinators.

Jim Tozzi

Member, Board of Advisors

Center for Regulatory Effectiveness



1 Comment Leave a Comment

  • 1. Anonymous  |  March 19, 2018 at 10:39 pm

    Apparently neonicitinoids have not mitigated the destructors affects and therefore we can prove that neonicotinoids are of no use then. The more are invincible. Time to go after both.

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