Complete Vindication for USDA

March 1, 2016

From: The Guardian

Government rejects scientist’s claim it tried to cover up his pesticide research

Nonprofit released confidential decision in complex case involving monarch butterflies, scientific freedom and the safety of the nation’s food supply


According to a 20 January confidential report on Lundgren’s case, a USDA scientific integrity review panel “concluded that the scientist’s written complaint did not provide credible and verifiable evidence to support his contention that his research was impeded and that he was restrained from communicating with the media and interacting with the broader scientific community,” in violation of the agency’s scientific integrity policy.


A USDA spokesman said on Monday: “The documents that this organization has released affirm that the referenced allegation of scientific misconduct at USDA is untrue and misleading. Both the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Agency Scientific Integrity Officer and an independent USDA Scientific Integrity Review Panel have reviewed the allegation and found it to be unsubstantiated. The Scientific Integrity Review Panel has spoken, and we stand by their decision.”

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