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OMB Looks For Proposals for Trusted Internet Connections Initiative
The Office of Management and Budget has given federal agencies an April 15 deadline to submit their proposed plans for implementing OMB’s Trusted Internet Connections initiative (TIC).

In a memo from Karen Evans, administrator for e-government and information technology, OMB instructed all federal departments and agencies to submit proposals for implementing TIC and their preferred means of receiving service from a Trusted Internet Connection Access Provider, which in many instances will be the department or agency itself.

The memo offers three options agencies can pursue: serve as a single service provider for the agency’s own internal customers and having its own TIC; be a multiservice provider that offers services to more than one agency or bureau and shares a TIC with other agencies; or be an agency that intends to connect to a TIC by buying services from an approved provider.

OMB will use agencies’ submissions in deciding how to allocate the targeted 50 TICs among agencies and finalizing its designs for the overall architecture of the government’s Internet infrastructure once the TICs are in place.

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