1 C.F.R. s 305.88-9
s 305.88-9 Presidential review of agency
rulemaking (Recommendation 88-9).
Federal regulation has grown in both scope
and complexity in recent decades. Among its wide variety of national
goals are: Ensuring competitive markets, spurring economic growth,
checking inflation, reducing unemployment, protecting national
security, assuring equal opportunity, increasing social security,
protecting the environment, ensuring safety, and improving energy
sufficiency. Policies implementing these goals compete for scarce
resources and sometimes conflict with one another. Thus, a central
task of modern democratic government is to make wise choices among
the courses of action that pursue one or more of these goals.
While Congress establishes the goals, it
seldom legislates the details of every action taken in pursuit of
these goals or makes the balancing choices that these decisions
require. It has assigned this task to the regulatory agencies. Each
regulatory agency, however, usually is given a set of primary goals,
without specific regard for whether proposed actions in pursuit of
those goals might conflict with the pursuit of other goals by other
agencies. An effective mechanism is needed to coordinate agency
decisions with the judgments of officials having a broader
perspective, such as the President and Congress. [FN1]
[FN1] The need for greater coordination of
federal regulation was recognized in 1979 by the American Bar
Association's Commission on Law and the Economy.
Some form of presidential review of agency
rulemaking has been the practice since at least 1971. Like its
predecessors, the current program is established by presidential
executive order. [FN2] The responsible officer (the Administrator,
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, in the Office of
Management and Budget) is appointed by the President, subject to
Senate confirmation.
[FN2] Exec. Orders Nos. 11,821, 11,949
(President Ford), Exec. Order 12,044 (President Carter), Exec.
Orders Nos. 12,291, 12,498 (President Reagan). For a thorough
analysis of the experience under the executive orders, see National
Academy of Public Administration, Presidential Management of
Rulemaking in Regulatory Agencies (Jan. 1987).
The Conference believes that there is
sufficient experience under these executive orders to warrant
continuing such review with certain guidelines as to its
implementation. The Recommendation below sets forth standards that
should be followed whether review is governed by executive order or
by a general statute. It also assumes that the President has the
authority to enunciate principles to guide agency rulemaking, even
though the programmatic responsibilities are by statute delegated to
agencies. In addressing the presidential review process, the
Conference recognizes that some of the issues are analogous to
congressional involvement in agency rulemaking, but it does not
address this latter subject at this time.
The Conference recommends that the following
principles should guide any program of presidential review [FN3] of
agency rulemaking.
[FN3] Presidential review, as used in this
Recommendation, refers to a program of systematic executive
oversight and dialogue that involves coordinating agency actions
where conflicts exist, and in all cases probing the agency's fact
and policy judgments, with the purpose of ensuring that the agency
considers factors of importance to the President's policies to the
extent permitted by law. Such review does not displace
responsibilities placed in the agency by law nor authorize the use
of factors not otherwise permitted by law. Other review of an ad hoc
nature by the President (or the President's delegates) of agency
rulemaking pursuant to the President's constitutional authority is
not within the scope of this Recommendation.
1. General Applicability
Presidential review should apply generally to
federal rulemaking. Such review can improve the coordination of
agency actions and resolve conflicts among agency rules and assist
in the implementation of national priorities. However, not all
agency rules or categories of rules may be appropriate for such
presidential review. Exempt categories include formal rulemaking,
ratemaking, and rulemaking that resolves conflicting private claims
to a valuable privilege.
2. Applicability to Independent
Regulatory Agencies
As a matter of principle, presidential review
of rulemaking should apply to independent regulatory agencies to the
same extent it applies to the rulemaking of Executive Branch
departments and other agencies.
3. Timeliness of Review
The process of presidential review of
rulemaking, including agency participation, should be completed in a
timely fashion by the reviewing office and, when so required, by the
agencies, with due regard to applicable administrative, executive,
judicial and statutory deadlines.
4. Public Disclosure of Documents
(a) Proposed or Final Rules. Where an agency
submits a draft proposed or final rule for presidential review, the
agency submission and any additional formal analyses [FN4] submitted
for presidential review should be made available to the public when
the proposed or final rule to which they pertain is published. If a
decision is made to terminate a rulemaking after a notice of
proposed rulemaking has been published, agency submissions to the
office responsible for presidential review and any additional formal
analyses submitted for review should be made available to the public
when the decision to terminate is announced.
[FN4] See ACUS Recommendation 85-2, Agency
Procedures for Performing Regulatory Analysis of Rules, 1 CFR
(b) Review of Agendas or Other Summaries or
Schedules of Agency Rulemaking Actions. Where an agency submits
agendas or other summaries or schedules of pending or planned
rulemakings for presidential review, the agency submission and any
supporting documents submitted for presidential review should be
made available to the public once the agenda or other summary or
schedule is made known to the public in an official publication.
5. Executive Branch Communications
Relating to Presidential Review of
(a) Policy Guidance. An agency engaged in
informal rulemaking should be free to receive guidance concerning
that rulemaking at any time from the President, members of the
Executive Office of the President, and other members of the
Executive Branch, without having a duty to place these
communications in the public file of the rulemaking unless otherwise
required by law. However, official written policy guidance from the
officer responsible for presidential review of rulemaking should be
included in the public file of the rulemaking once a notice of
proposed rulemaking or final rule to which it pertains is issued or
when the rulemaking is terminated without issuance of a final rule.
[FN5] The Conference's position on the public
availability of official written policy guidance stated in this
Recommendation modifies its earlier position in Recommendation 80-6,
Intragovernmental Communications in Informal Rulemaking Proceedings,
1 CFR 305.80-6, ¶ 1.
(b) Factual Information. When an agency
engaged in rulemaking receives a communication from the office
responsible for presidential review which contains factual
information relating to the substance of the rulemaking that is not
already in the public file, the agency should promptly place the
communication (or if oral, a summary) in the public file of the
rulemaking. [FN6]
[FN6] Agencies also should place factual
information received from other sources in the public file of the
rulemaking, see Recommendation 80-6, ¶ 2.
(c) Communications Transmitting Outside
Comments. When an agency receives a communication from the office
responsible for presidential review which transmits any factual
submissions or the views or positions of persons outside the
government, the agency should promptly place the communication (or
if oral, a summary) in the public file of the rulemaking. [FN7]
[FN7] This reaffirms the Conference's
position on the handling of comments by persons outside the
government stated in Recommendation 80-6, ¶ 2.
6. Responsibility of the Reviewing
Office Regarding Outside Comments
The officer responsible for presidential
review of rulemaking should not allow the process of review to serve
as a conduit to the rulemaking agency for unrecorded communications
from persons outside the government. To guard against such
occurrence, the responsible officer should take appropriate
steps--and the following should be considered:
(a) Identifying any communications to the
rulemaking agency that transmit the views or positions of persons
outside the government;
(b) Promptly transmitting written
communications received by the office responsible for presidential
review from persons outside the government relating to the substance
of a proposed agency rule to the rulemaking agency for inclusion in
the public file of the rulemaking;
(c) Maintaining a list identifying the time
and general topic of oral communications that pertain to the
substance of an agency rule under review with persons outside the
government and making such list available to the rulemaking agency
for inclusion in the public file; and
(d) Inviting a representative of the
rulemaking agency to attend any meetings between the reviewing
office and persons outside the government which pertain to any
agency rulemaking under review by that office. The agency
representative attending any such meeting should prepare an
appropriate summary of the discussion and promptly place it in the
public file of the rulemaking.
7. Not Judicially Reviewable
The presidential review process should be
designed to improve the internal management of the federal
government and should not create any substantive or procedural
rights enforceable by judicial review.
[54 FR 5207, Feb. 2, 1989]
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 591-596.
SOURCE: 38 FR 19782, July 23, 1973; 57 FR
61760, 61768, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
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