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September 04, 2005
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In re: EPA Carcinogenicity Determinations
Case Date: 8/23/2005
Project Name: Environmental Law Project

On August 23, 2005, WLF petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to eliminate “junk science” from the process by which it determines whether a substance is likely to cause cancer in humans. In a petition filed pursuant to the Information Quality Act (IQA), WLF argued that EPA guidelines for determining human carcinogenicity violate the IQA because they are not based on sound science but rather on an EPA policy judgment that extreme caution should be adopted in connection with all substances that pose any possible cancer risk. In particular, WLF requested that EPA eliminate from its guidelines all statements that indicate that a substance may properly be labeled a “likely” human carcinogen based solely or primarily on the results of animal studies. WLF argued that such statements are scientifically unsound, noting that the great majority of toxicologists share that assessment.

 Case Status:
  Awaiting EPA response.
 More Information and Downloads:
  8/23/2005: Download a PDF of the Petition
  Press Release: WLF Petitions EPA To Eliminate “Junk Science” From Determinations Regarding Human Carcinogenicity
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