thelma and louise vol. 2 ([info]thelandlou) wrote,
@ 2005-09-22 15:23:00
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Conservative Clowning
Some of you may remember, Advocates for Youth is the group that I studied with in Europe late this spring...

SIECUS and Advocates for Youth Use Data Quality Act to Challenge Abstinence-Only Programs

WASHINGTON, DC (September 13, 2005) Today, Advocates for Youth and the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) filed a challenge to the federal government's funding of inaccurate and ineffective abstinence-only-until-marriage programs.

Filed with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the guidelines set forth by the Data Quality Act of 2000, Advocates for Youth and SIECUS issued the challenge to the quality of data and information disseminated through abstinence-only programs sponsored by the Administration of Children and Families (ACF) under HHS.

The Data Quality Act (DQA) directs the Office of Management and Budget to issue government-wide guidelines that "provide policy and procedural guidance to Federal agencies for ensuring and maximizing the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of information (including statistical information) disseminated by Federal agencies."

Over 100 groups are currently funded by ACF to conduct abstinence-only education. Eleven of the 13 curricula most commonly used by these grantees contain false, inaccurate or incomplete information, according to a recent Congressional report.

"Those who make the rules must abide by the rules," said William Smith, Vice President for Public Policy at SIECUS. "HHS' own guidelines were specifically designed to ensure that only high quality and scientifically sound data is disseminated to the American public."

"The false and inaccurate information found in these abstinence-only-until-marriage programs clearly violates the Agency's own directive," concluded Smith.

Written by a conservative lobbyist and slipped in amidst an appropriations bill without Congressional discussion, the Data Quality Act provides a means to censor information about public health risks that might otherwise result in restrictions on big business. "Turnabout is fair play," said James Wagoner, President of Advocates for Youth. "We'll use this and any other tool at our disposal to ensure that youth receive honest and accurate sex education." (CLOWNED BY THEIR OWN SHIT!!!!)

"Never has so much government money been spent on so many programs with so little impact and so little oversight," concluded Wagoner, citing the $1 billion spent on inaccurate abstinence-only-until-marriage programs.

SIECUS and Advocates for Youth have asked ACF and HHS to immediately cease sponsorship of programs that fail to provide medically accurate, complete sexual health information.

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2005-09-22 19:51 (link)
you said clowned.

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2005-09-22 20:19 (link)

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2005-09-22 21:06 (link)

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they all float down here!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2005-09-22 21:12 (link)

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Re: they all float down here!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2005-09-22 21:12 (link)
that's what advocates for youth and seicus just did.

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2005-09-22 22:40 (link)
*hides under desk*

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2005-09-22 20:01 (link)
this is so great. it's about damn time someone called them on their own bullshit.

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2005-09-22 20:17 (link)
and with their own policies that they were using to be sneaky!!!

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2005-09-22 21:10 (link)
waxman proved that the shit was stank. now the dhhs has done the same thing. the sad thing is that even with the most compelling evidence of it's lack of efficacy, a-o programs will probably continue to flourish. it's a sad commentary...

git that clown.

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2005-09-22 21:26 (link)
SIECUS is my dream lover.

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2005-09-22 22:41 (link)
i heard/read about this.


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2005-09-23 13:59 (link)
Written by a conservative lobbyist and slipped in amidst an appropriations bill without Congressional discussion

Don't you just love that shit? Just attach a rider to any guaranteed-to-pass bill, and boom, new law. Unreal.

Also, I just love the spin that legislators use in the names of their bills, conservatives especially. The "Data Quality Act"? It's literally a two sentence law.

And it's consistently used to fuck us over in favor of big industry:

1) The American Chemistry Council and others challenged data used by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) as it sought to ban wood treated with heavy metals and arsenic in playground equipment.

2) Logging groups challenged Forest Service calculations used to justify restrictions on timber harvests.

3) Sugar interests challenged the Agriculture Department and the Food and Drug Administration over dietary recommendations to limit sugar intake.

4) The Salt Institute and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce challenged data that led the National Institutes of Health to recommend that people cut back on salt. (The Salt Institute?! HA!)

5) The Nickel Development Institute and other nickel interests challenged a government report on the hazards of that metal.

6) The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers petitioned to retract data that ranked the risk of lint fires in various clothes dryers.

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2005-09-23 14:55 (link)

I hope all those fuckers have the highest blood pressure ever.

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2005-09-23 14:58 (link)
Seriously, that fucking kills me. People have the job of trying to figure out how we all collectively eat/use more SALT. That fact makes my brain's grey matter start leaking out of my ears.

I seriously just picture a bunch of old white guys sitting around, saying things like, "Hey, what if we developed a salt...that tasted sweet?! Why, we could put salt in everything then!", or, "Why don't we use salt to paint the lines on baseball and football fields?!"


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2005-09-23 15:02 (link)
or let's put as much sodium as possible into processed baby foods so they'll get ADDICTED to it from early childhood!

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2005-09-23 15:04 (link)
Just like tobacco or church...get 'em hooked while they're young!

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