District of Columbia Bar


Administrative Law and Agency Practice Section Presents a Brown Bag Program


Implementing the Data Quality Act


In 2001, Congress passed the Data Quality Act as a rider to an appropriations bill.  The one sentence law requires agencies to establish processes to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of the information they disseminate.  Petitioners are now using the law to challenge a wide range of agency actions.  This balanced panel discussion will include proponents and opponents of the law, as well as Office of Management and Budget officials charged with its implementation.


Speakers:        Donald Arbuckle, White House Office of Management and Budget

                        Mark Greenwood, Ropes & Gray

                        Rena Steinzor, University of Maryland School of Law and Center for Progressive Reform

                        Jim Tozzi, Center for Regulatory Effectiveness


Date:                Monday, December 12, 2005


Time:               12:00 pm - 1:30 pm


Location:         D.C. Bar Conference Center, 1250 H Street NW (Metro Center)


Cost:                $10.00 Section Members and Subscribers

                        $15.00 Non-Section Members

                        $10.00 Government and Nonprofit Employees

                        $10.00 Students


District of Columbia Bar




Reservations are held for 20 minutes after the slated event start time.


No phone reservations will be accepted. Payment must accompany registration to be processed.*


Fax to:   



Mail to:

            December 12 Brown Bag

            D.C. Bar Sections Office

            1250 H Street NW, 6th Floor

            Washington, DC 20005-5937


Credit card payments only

Must be received at least

24 hours prior to event


Implementing the Data Quality Act        


Cost:                $10.00 Section Members and Subscribers

                        $15.00 Non-Section Members

                        $10.00 Government and Nonprofit Employees

                        $10.00 Students



Join the Section and attend this program, and future Section events, at the Section member rate.


[   ]  I would like to join the Administrative Law Agency and Practice Section for $38


(Dues cover  the period of July 1, 2005 through June 30 2006).


Please reserve _________ space(s).  Enclosed is my payment of $_________________. 


Method of payment (no purchase orders please):


[   ]  Check made payable to the D.C. Bar.  Check No. ___________________________


[   ]  MC     [   ]  VISA               Credit Card Acct. No. __________________________________  Exp. ________


Name ________________________________________________ D.C. Bar No.______________________


Address __________________________________________ City/State/Zip _________________________


Phone No. _______________________________ Fax No. _______________________________________


If you require a physical accommodation, please contact the Sections Office at 202-626-3463 or e-mail sections@dcbar.org


*For complete registration policies, please visit http://www.dcbar.org/for_lawyers/sections/policy.cfm.






Dear Section Member:


To help us continue to plan the most relevant and useful programs for our members, we are asking Section members to take a few minutes to answer a very short (10 question) online survey.


The survey asks for very basic information about the nature of our members' law practice and the types of Bar programs that they are interested in attending.


The survey is available on the Section's website, at



You can fill out the survey at any time and you do not have to leave your name.


However, as a friendly way of encouraging participation, we will be awarding a $5 discount to any future Administrative Law and Agency Practice Section program for each member who responds by 1/31/06 and leaves her or his contact information in response to Question 10.


Thank you very much for your assistance!


Best regards,


Your Administrative Law and Agency Practice Section Steering Committee.