Nature Published online: 21
February 2007; | doi:10.1038/445796a
Regulatory fist-fightA move to wrest control
of US federal regulations from government agencies should be
In an
executive order passed last month, the administration of President
George W. Bush tweaked the terms of the relationship between government
agencies and its own Office of Management and Budget. The changes are
subtle and arcane, but significant nevertheless. The administration will
now review supporting documents as well as the regulations themselves.
Agencies will have to present some additional cost–benefit figures. And
the official in charge of coordinating all this from the agency end must
now be a presidential appointee. This person will initiate rule-making
and be "involved at each stage of the regulatory process".
deliberations on regulation are open to public scrutiny only after an
agency submits its plans to the president's budget office (the Freedom
of Information Act does not apply to deliberative processes within
agencies), they can be smothered at birth inside the agency by the
presidential appointee, away from public scrutiny.
officials have downplayed the significance of these changes and,
according to the Congressional Research Service, most of these officials
are already presidential appointees. But the move represents yet another
incremental power shift. The Bush administration's approach has been to
make small bureaucratic changes or insertions here and there that make
it more laborious to pass regulations, and easier for industry and the
president to have regulations shift in their preferred directions. The
influence of well-considered scientific advice has been progressively
The influence of well-considered
scientific advice has been progressively
weakened. | | |
| Consider, for example, the Data Quality Act of 2001, which
opened the door for industry to take issue with the data used to make
regulatory decisions. In 2005, in a move opposed by scientists, the salt
industry used it to challenge the findings of a federally funded study
of sodium and blood pressure (see Nature 433, 671;
2005). Consider also two failed attempts, one in 2003 to control the
peer review of science informing regulation, and one last year to bundle
all regulations into a centralized risk-assessment process run by the
budget office. US scientists have the National Academies to thank for
fending these off (see Nature 442,
223–224; doi:10.1038/442223b 2006).
At a hearing last week of the
House science committee, Sally Katzen, who ran the department dealing
with regulation at President Bill Clinton's budget office, described the
effect this way: "Each step has placed a thumb on the scales, and now we
have a whole fist."
The fact that this hearing and another in the
judiciary committee were held at all is good news. Democrats and
Republicans alike should see these moves for what they are: attempts to
influence regulations at agencies that have been given their missions by
Congress. It is all of a piece with Bush's habit of signing laws with
attached statements indicating which bits of the law he doesn't intend
to follow.
Congresswoman Linda Sánchez (Democrat, California), chair of
the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law in the judiciary
committee, intends to ask the Office of Management and Budget for more
information on how the new executive order is to be implemented in
practice. But only time will tell whether its provisions have a large or
small effect. It is difficult for Congress to overturn an executive
order. They do so by passing a law that contradicts it, but this law
could be vetoed by the president. It would be better if Congress,
encouraged by scientists, were to make such a fuss that the
administration backs off.
If no one protests, this order may well be
followed by other such manoeuvres, each designed to make science a mere
vestigial irritant to the otherwise smooth implementation of Bush's
personal will. This would be a bad idea even if the president were a fan
of precautionary regulation based on empirical science. But he
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