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Letter: Citizens should control their own health

February 27th, 2007
Letter to the Editor
The Collegiate Times is negligent in getting facts correct in the article, "Marijuana is not the only pain reliever," (CT, Feb. 21) concerning the recent lawsuit filed by Americans for Safe Access over medical patient use of cannabis.

The Data Quality Act requires the government to correct its own misstatements. The assertion that marijuana has no medical value has been historically discredited, as patently false and federal authorities should be stopped from pushing that propaganda.

Further, citizens should be allowed to choose which pain remedy they use, not the government, especially when cannabis is safer than any other pain medication available to humans. It seems the author is more interested in furthering government cannabis prohibition propaganda than getting facts correct.


Stan White

Dillon, Colorado

4.5 / 5 (9 Votes)

i find it interesting (by brian long on 27th February)that "conservatives" find it important to get government out of people's lives except when it has to do with having drugs or having sex.

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