Americans for Safe Access is Ending the War on Cannabis-- once and for all!

Jul. 10th, 2007 at 10:10 AM
Cannabis is not a gateway drug! 
That is a total lie! FTF!
Just ask anyone that has never touched a hard drug and uses this Herb as a MEDICINE!

Special Appeal from Jeff Jones
Help Support Groundbreaking Lawsuit!

 Dear ASA Supporter,

I am writing to you today to ask you to join me in supporting the best legal challenge the medical cannabis community is currently pursuing. This case will help patients in all 50 states by forcing the Federal Government to tell the truth about the medical efficacy of cannabis. I am referring to Americans for Safe Access’ Data Quality Act civil lawsuit, now pending in the U.S. District Court in San Francisco.

Nine years ago, the federal government sued to close the Oakland Cannabis Buyer’s Cooperative, an organization I helped to co-found to provide medical cannabis to legal patients. One of the most frustrating things for me then and now is the fact that the government continues to insist that there is no medical value to cannabis – despite their own research and my experience in Oakland! Forcing a change in that policy will serve to turn the tide of media bias, public indifference, and bureaucratic gridlock.

After nearly three years of officials stalling, the countdown to force the federal government to stop their lies about medical cannabis has begun. On July 12th, ASA’s Chief Counsel Joe Elford, with co-counsel Alan Morrison, will stand in federal court to defend the lawsuit against the government’s motion to dismiss. If they pass this hurdle, ASA will most likely have a hearing for summary judgment on this pioneering lawsuit on August 23rd. This may be the beginning of the end for the federal government’s campaign against medical cannabis.

This has been a long and arduous process that began in October 2004. ASA worked for years to do the background research and build their case under the Data Quality Act, an obscure piece of legislation that requires federal agencies to base their policies on science and objectivity. They have collected the evidence, done the research, and assembled an amazing legal team – including Co-Counsel Alan Morrison, who co-founded Public Citizen Litigation Group with Ralph Nader and is considered one of the most successful Supreme Court lawyers practicing today. Now all they need is your help to fight this case to its end!

Imagine what a victory in this case could mean for all of us. The federal government will finally have to admit what doctors and patients have known for decades – Cannabis has medical value! This means that Congress will now have the guidance they need to craft laws that reflect the experience of millions of Americans using cannabis therapeutics.

ASA can not do this without your support! They need to raise an additional $50,000 to litigate the case and provide appropriate press support. What can you do to make this a reality? Please take a minute now to make a donation to this groundbreaking lawsuit. If everyone gave just $50, ASA could reach their goal. Please help in this promising avenue to hold the government accountable for its lies and persecution of our community. Visit and pledge today!


Jeff Jones
Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative