Original url: http://www.citizen.org/autosafety/regs/whitehouse/articles.cfm?ID=17124
OMB continues to push agencies on risk
After a stunning rebuke in January by the National
Academies of Science, the White House released today another government-wide
policy statement on risk assessment.
The new memorandum to agencies,
signed by Susan Dudley, recess-appointed
administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) in the
White House Office of Management and Budget, and Sharon Hays of the White House
Office of Science and Technology Policy, is presented as an update of a
1995 memorandum by Clinton
administration OIRA chief Sally Katzen.
This memorandum is OIRA’s second recent attempt at a
government-wide pronouncement on risk assessment. In January 2006, OIRA
published a proposed set of guidelines to govern all risk assessments. The
proposal outlined one-size-fits-all technical standards for all federal agencies
to use when conducting risk assessments as well as other scientific documents
that are not generally considered “risk assessments.” The OMB guidelines would
have applied to risk assessments conducted in preparation for issuing or
revising health, safety and environmental rules, as well as important scientific
investigations such as the National Toxicology Program’s “Report on
Carcinogens,” widely considered the gold standard for identifying substances
that are carcinogenic.
OMB submitted the proposal to the public for comment
and to the National Research Council for peer review. The NRC came back in
January 2007 with an unexpectedly harsh rebuke of the OIRA proposal,
emphasizing “the likely drain on agency resources, the extended time necessary
to complete risk assessments that are undertaken, and the highly likely
disruptive effect on many agencies” and echoing problems raised by public
interest groups, including written comments submitted jointly
by Public Citizen and OMB Watch.
The new memorandum reaffirms what OIRA had previously
told the press after the NRC report, that it was withdrawing the proposed risk
assessment bulletin. Instead, it reiterates the text of a 1995 memorandum
stating general principles for risk assessment, and it supplements the 1995 text
with additional comments.
Although the new memorandum couches its language in
precatory terms, it nonetheless sends clear signals to the agencies about OIRA’s
expectations for “influential” risk assessments (a term borrowed from the
controversial 2002 Data Quality Act guidelines):
- Reiterates OIRA control over risk
assessments.The memorandum declares that the new guidelines for
“significant guidance documents,” which include full notice and comment for
“economically significant” guidance as well as review by senior agency
officials and OIRA, apply to “influential” risk assessments. [Memo at 13] It
also reiterates that other controversial Bush administration policies,
including the 2004 peer review guidelines and 2002 Data Quality Act
guidelines, govern important assessments.
The most stunning
development is the declaration that the new policies for guidance documents
apply to "influential risk assessments." Risk assessments are scientific
evaluations that apply expert judgment to the weight of the evidence to bridge
the gap between what is known and what is not yet known in order to help risk
managers craft appropriate public policy. The scientific and regulatory policy
communities are clear that risk assessment must be rigidly separated
from risk management, with the assessment remaining removed from
political considerations. Applying the new guidance document policies will
allow industry junk science to delay policymaking and OIRA, an arm of the
political offices of the White House, to politicize risk
- Reiterates OIRA preference for risk
ranges.The memorandum continues to emphasize mushy risk ranges at the
expense of point estimates.In many contexts, such as deciding whether to order
a Superfund cleanup, risk managers must make their decisions based on numbers
provided by risk assessors.In the case of a Superfund cleanup, for example,
risk managers need to know if the risk of harm to the most exposed individual
is minimal (less than one in one million), definitely actionable (greater than
one in one thousand), or in a discretionary zone.Providing some large range of
value would be meaningless, especially given OIRA’s preference for
quantitative expression of uncertainty to splay out the ranges to vaster and
vaster dimension.
- Reiterates OIRA call for risk/risk
comparisons.The memorandum once again expresses OIRA’s intention to have
agencies express risks in terms of other, more familiar risks in the course of
conducting risk assessment.Dudley’s predecessor John Graham, who drafted
the 2006 proposed risk assessment bulletin, built a career before his
appointment at OIRA minimizing risks in the press by comparing fatality risks
from exposure to hazardous substances, for example, to the risk of being
struck by lightning.In Graham’s hands, risk/risk comparison was a vehicle for
anti-regulatory propaganda.
- Reiterates OIRA call for
“reproducibility.”Risk assessments are the expression of scientific
judgment rather than scientific experiment.Risk assessment is the application
of scientific judgment and technical expertise to bridge what is known and
what is not known in order to provide assessments that aid agencies in making
policy decisions.Risk assessment, which is the application of judgment and
expertise, cannot be expected to be “reproducible” in the ways that a
scientific experiment can.