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Case #2007-056 - Dr. Buttar's Blog

September 1st, 2008 by Dr. Rashid Buttar

It is as rare as it is refreshing to see a fellow physician aggressively campaign for truth and justice, while refusing to bow to the incompetence and mediocrity of the various regulatory and governmental agencies. Edmund Bke once said something to the extent of “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for is for good men to stand back and do nothing”. He also said “no one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” I am proud to call Dr. Ken Stoller my friend. Read his letter below to the Executive Director of the New Mexico Board of Pharmacy.

To: William Harvey, Exec Dir NM Board of Pharmacy

I have just been informed in writing by State Drug Inspector, Jeane Johnson that my complaint against Merck & Co was dismissed and closed due to a joint statement of safety by the CDC & FDA on behalf of the Gardasil vaccine in July of this year (this done in response to the June Judicial Watch report that was very critical of the safety of this vaccine).

To date, I have filed 5 complaints against the CDC for issuing fraudulent statements that are not backed by scientific or medical facts. The CDC has chosen to ignore my complaints even though they were required to have responded to them months ago. Congressman Tom Udall’s office is now involved and is demanding they respond to my complaints and directly to his office as well.
The CDC is in violation the Data Quality Act and of Title 18 Chapter 47 of the US code for issuing fraudulent statements to the public and the media. It is a said irony that you would rely on this compromised agency that is, for the most part, under the control of pharmaceutical companies, to dismiss my complaint.

I am not blaming anyone here, but the results of my various complaints to the BoP is that either FDA has preemption and you can not rule, or as in this case, you dismiss the case because, “they say so.”

It is the board’s free will choice to rubber stamp the FDA and the CDC, but there was intent behind the New Mexico Drug Act and it was not to be a rubber stamp to agencies, that have now become trade organizations to Big Pharma.

You have done what you think is the right thing to do based on what you perceive is your ability to take action or inaction. I will point out here, and for the last time…. you are not exercising your statutory responsibilities.

KP Stoller, MD
President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc
Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico

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One Response to “Case #2007-056” on Dr. Buttar's Blog

  1. weyensid Says:

    Kudos to Dr. Stoller for seeking the truth!

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