
Effects of sponsor identity and perceived data security on response rates and data quality

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It is widely acknowledged that Web surveys are becoming a popular mode of data collection (Couper, 2000). Although attention has been paid to potential mode effects in Web surveys (e.g., Dillman, 2000), little has focused on other factors that may impact Web response rates and data quality. For example, the influence of the sponsor?s identity has been examined in surveys conducted using other data collection modes (e.g., Presser; Blair; & Triplett, 1992), but not in web surveys. Moreover, the effect of perceived security of Web data on response rates and data quality have been discussed (Yu, 2001) but few studies have explored these effects (see Peoples, 2001 for one exception). The present study will examine the impact of these two factors on response rates and data quality in an establishment survey conducted over the Web. Moreover, we hypothesize that perceived data security may be influenced by the sponsor?s identity and therefore these two factors may have an interactive impact on the dependent variables. We will conduct a Web survey of American companies that participated in government-funded joint venture projects (N = 250). A random half of respondents will be solicited by NIST, the government agency which funded the joint venture projects, the other half of respondents will be solicited by Westat, under contract to NIST. Of the web respondents, half will receive detailed information regarding the security of the data they will submit, while the other half will receive no such detailed information. The impact of the identity of the sponsor and the perceived security of the data on response rates and data quality will be examined.

Author's Keywords:

web surveys, sponsor identity, perceived data security, response rates, data quality
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Name: American Association for Public Opinion Research

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MLA Citation:

Levin, Kerry., O'Brien, Jennifer., Wang, Andrew., Shipp, Stephanie., Davis, Bryan. and Gordon, Adrian. "Effects of sponsor identity and perceived data security on response rates and data quality" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Sheraton Music City, Nashville, TN, Aug 16, 2003 <Not Available>. 2009-05-26 <>

APA Citation:

Levin, K. Y., O'Brien, J. E., Wang, A. , Shipp, S. , Davis, B. and Gordon, A. , 2003-08-16 "Effects of sponsor identity and perceived data security on response rates and data quality" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Sheraton Music City, Nashville, TN <Not Available>. 2009-05-26 from

Publication Type: Conference Paper/Unpublished Manuscript
Review Method: Peer Reviewed
Abstract: It is widely acknowledged that Web surveys are becoming a popular mode of data collection (Couper, 2000). Although attention has been paid to potential mode effects in Web surveys (e.g., Dillman, 2000), little has focused on other factors that may impact Web response rates and data quality. For example, the influence of the sponsor?s identity has been examined in surveys conducted using other data collection modes (e.g., Presser; Blair; & Triplett, 1992), but not in web surveys. Moreover, the effect of perceived security of Web data on response rates and data quality have been discussed (Yu, 2001) but few studies have explored these effects (see Peoples, 2001 for one exception). The present study will examine the impact of these two factors on response rates and data quality in an establishment survey conducted over the Web. Moreover, we hypothesize that perceived data security may be influenced by the sponsor?s identity and therefore these two factors may have an interactive impact on the dependent variables. We will conduct a Web survey of American companies that participated in government-funded joint venture projects (N = 250). A random half of respondents will be solicited by NIST, the government agency which funded the joint venture projects, the other half of respondents will be solicited by Westat, under contract to NIST. Of the web respondents, half will receive detailed information regarding the security of the data they will submit, while the other half will receive no such detailed information. The impact of the identity of the sponsor and the perceived security of the data on response rates and data quality will be examined.

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