Menthol Studies Idenified by the FDA

May 29, 2010

The FDA has issued two documents lisitng menthol studies of interest.

The controlling document,  which in the absence of a direct charge to the tobacco advisory, is a statement by the Center for Tobacco Products.

The other document is a bibliography of  controlling documents prepared by NCI.

Eventually CRE will subject some of the studies in the above referenced documents to tests to determine whether or not they comply with the Data Quality Act.

To assist CRE in these  important evaluations,  stakeholders should present relevant documents in the comments section below or in the post capability to  right of this post.

One Response so far
  1. Jarrod Wilson
    June 18th, 2010 at 12:05 pm #

    Shouldn’t all FDA decisions be based on hard scientific evidence? If that’s the case, is there any scientific evidence concluding that menthol cigarettes are more harmful? That is something I’d really like to know more about.

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