Apr 28, 2011

Menthol Cigarettes: No Disproportionate Impact on Public Health

Submitted to FDA by the Non-Voting Industry Representatives on TPSAC and Other Tobacco Industry Stakeholders

March 23, 2011

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Major conclusions include:

  • Menthol in Cigarettes Does Not Change the Inherent Health Risks of Cigarette Smoking
  • Evidence on Menthol and Smoking Topography is Inadequate to Support a Conclusion that
  • Menthol Cigarettes are Smoked More Intensely
  • Evidence is Inadequate to Conclude that Menthol in Cigarettes Influences Smoking Initiation
  • Menthol in Cigarettes Has No Meaningful Impact on Smoking Cessation
  • Menthol in Cigarettes Has No Meaningful Impact on Nicotine Dependence
  • Numerous Hypotheses Put Forth by TPSAC are Speculative and Cannot Serve as the basis for Regulatory Policy
  • A Ban on Menthol Cigarettes Will Result in Significant Countervailing Effects

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