Tobacco Smuggling Enforcement Detracts from Law Enforcement Demands, National Troopers Coalition Tells FDA Panel.

  In a statement issued today, the National Troopers Coalition asked a special tobacco scientific advisory panel (TPSAC) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to comply with its mandate to study whether a possible ban of menthol cigarettes would significantly increase smuggling of contraband tobacco. In a statement from Michael Edes, Chairman of the National Troopers Coalition, Chairman Edes stated, “Tobacco smuggling is a serious problem confronting law enforcement and the National Troopers Coalition would like regulators and the advisory panel to fully examine the impact further regulation of Menthol could have on efforts to interdict illicit smuggling efforts.   Tobacco smuggling enforcement is extremely difficult and further regulations could place detrimental demands on our already strained enforcement resources.”

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