Watching The Earth At a time when many environmental watchdogs have opted to focus their efforts on publicity stunts, celebrity deification and even the commission of criminal actions, it's a pleasure to highlight a group that is actually committed to substance instead of rhetoric. The Earthwatch Institute's goal is to "act as a unique catalyst and a liaison between the scientific community, conservation and environmental organizations, policy makers, business, and the general public." Whereas many groups pride themselves on putting lawyers in court, the Earthwatch Institute "puts people in the field where they can assist scientists in their field work." Instead of focusing on how loud a noise they can make, the Earthwatch Institute believes "that teaching and promoting scientific literacy is the best way to systematically approach and solve the many complex environmental and social issues facing society today." Although Earthwatch does good work, they do not act alone. Instead, the organization has partnered with diverse stakeholders including corporate partners around the world who have assisted the group in their efforts. However, instead of simply asking for corporate donations, Earthwatch, "works with companies to educate and involve their employees, in order to promote the understanding and action necessary for a sustainable environment. We do this in three primary ways...sharing environmental good practice amongst companies...researching and disseminating information on the importance and relevance of biodiversity to companies...giving corporate employees the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of conservation research issues by becoming a volunteer on an international scientific research project." One aspect of Earthwatch that make them particularly interesting to Winston is that they understand the advantages of working with instead of against business. However, after watching so many other groups, it is difficult for Winston to take seriously any group that doesn't feature celebrity supporters. |