New Watchdog In Town On the other side, an editorial in the Wall Street Journal stated that the “Administration did the economy a favor this week by making a recess appointment of economist Susan Dudley...a leading authority on the costs and benefits of regulations...” to be Administrator of OMB’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). OMB veteran Jim Tozzi, in an interview with National Public Radio, focused on Ms. Dudley’s qualifications for the job by noting “I think she knows the subject area, I think she is balanced, I think she is very intelligent.” While most commentators are discussing Ms. Dudley’s regulatory philosophy, they often miss the point that her job is not to support or oppose regulations but to administer the good government laws under her jurisdiction including Executive Order 12866, the Paperwork Reduction Act and the Data Quality Act. In short, Ms. Dudley’s duty is to ensure that regulations are effective. See OMB Watch article See NPR Marketplace story