Regulatory Watchdogs

Center for Regulatory Effectiveness

Greenpeace International
Public Citizen
Sierra Club

Center for Auto Safety
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Clean Air Trust
Electronic Privacy Information Center
Environmental Defense
ETC Group
FM Watch
Friends of the Earth
PR Watch
State Public Interest Research Groups
U.S. Public Interest Research Groups


In Praise of EPA’s FOIA Office
A serious government watchdog recognizes superior service from federal agencies, not just causes for complaint.Which is why Winston is pleased to pay tribute to EPA’s Freedom of Information Act office.

In response to a written request from the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness, an EPA FOIA Officer called CRE the day the letter was received to clarify certain technical issues. The agency official then prepared and sent the initial response that very same day.

The EPA FOIA Officer is representative of the many hard working career civil service professionals who rarely receive the recognition and appreciation they have earned. Watchdog Watch, on behalf of CRE, would like to take this opportunity to thank Larry Gottesman and all other dedicated EPA FOIA professionals.

See letter from EPA

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