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New Nukes
While other countries discuss reducing CO2 emissions, Britain is taking practical steps to accomplish that goal. Unlike plans that would inflict serious economic harm, are premised on unproven technologies and require massive government subsidies, the UK is taking the bold step of reducing dependence on fossil fuels while improving their economic and energy security. Simply put, the UK is going to become an environmental leader by building a new generation of privately-owned nuclear power plants.

Instead of building the reactors itself, the British government "says it will take steps, such as streamlining the planning process and identifying likely sites, to encourage private operators to build new plants." A cabinet official explained that it’s "a matter for the power companies to bring forward proposals on the basis that there will be no public subsidies." A major French energy company "has already said it plans to build four nuclear plants in the UK by 2017, without subsidies, following the government's announcement."

A senior government official explained that analysis of future gas and carbon prices showed nuclear was "affordable and provides one of the cheapest electricity options available to reduce our carbon emissions". While Britain is moving into the future, the tired, old obstructionists at Greenpeace are planning to go to court to block the plan. Expect inane PR stunts to follow.

American political leaders, environmentalists and other stakeholders should examine the British plans and decide how enhanced nuclear power production can help achieve our own environmental, economic and energy security goals.

See The Future of Nuclear Power: The Role of Nuclear Power In A Low Carbon UK Economy

See The Future of Nuclear Power – Consultations on the Proposed Processes for Justification and Strategic Siting Assessment

See UK Government statement

See BBC article

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