OMB’s Transparency Successes The publication acknowledges the importance of Data Access and Data Quality. As the Right To Know Community explains, challenges to public use of data "may be summarized as problems of access to information, understanding the information, and quality of the information. By solving these problems of usability, many other benefits would result." Where the project falls short is in recognizing the substantial successes OMB has achieved over the last eight years in improving government transparency. OMB’s leadership in implementing the Data Quality Act is a major success in advancing the transparency and quality of federal data. Dedicated officials in OMB and throughout the Executive Branch should be recognized for their work in improving information quality. Government Computer News explained that “when it comes to making information about federal programs and spending available to the public, the new administration might want to acknowledge the groundwork laid by the outgoing administration.” GCN cited OMB’s role in “introducing www.expectmore.gov, www.usaspending.gov, and earmarks.omb.gov, which allow Americans to access and analyze substantial volumes of federal investment and performance information.” While the new Administration can be expected to make great strides in further improving the transparency, accessibility and quality of data, their job will be easier because of the work of their predecessors. See Moving Toward A 21st Century Right-To-Know Agenda See Government Computer News story