Sierra Club Favors Civil Disobedience to Support China
The Sierra Club, which once favored environmental protection, is now calling for civil disobedience to help China gain access to Canadian energy resources.
Salon magazine reports that the Sierra Club "has moved to break its historic ban on civil disobedience over the Keystone XL pipeline as President Obama stalls his decision on whether to approve the TransCanada project."
If the NGO were to get its way, however, the main impact would be to boost China's access to a stable, reliable energy supplier. As a Washington Post editorial favoring approval of the Keystone XL pipeline explained, "An economic review had found that Canada would get its bitumen to the world market - if not via pipeline to the gulf, then very likely by ship to China. Supply would make it to demand, one way or another."
Why the Sierra Club favors bolstering China's energy resources remains a mystery as that country provides a minuscule fraction of the environmental protections enjoyed by Americans. All that's clear is that the NGO formerly known as an environmental watchdog is now supporting policies that would increase, not reduce, carbon emissions as the Canadian oil is shipped to Asia and more oil is shipped to the US to make up for reduced supply.
See, Even the Sierra Club gets disobedient over Keystone XL (Salon)
See, Keystone XL is coming back (Washington Post)