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The Living Dead
Winston thought the best way to kick off the new year would be by highlighting the latest bizarre absurdities from the nutty nihilists at Greenpeace. Never ones to let a political drama go unexploited, Greenpeace has turned their attention to the apparent attempted assassination of now Ukranian President-Elect Viktor Yuschenko.

As has been widely reported in the media, while campaigning for the Ukranian Presidency, Mr. Yuschenko was poisoned with a type of dioxin. As the Canadian Globe and Mail reported, "a Dutch scientist who analyzed Mr. Yushchenko's blood said the opposition leader's poisoning during the first round of campaigning was accomplished with TCDD, the most harmful known dioxin..." Furthermore, the "TCDD was pure and must have been concocted in a laboratory, lead investigator Abraham Brouwer told Associated Press." Other news reports have indicated the level of dioxin ingested by Mr. Yuschenko was thousands of times higher than normal and that he had the second highest level of dioxin ever recorded in a person.

Fortunately, despite being poisoned with massive dose of the most dangerous form of dioxin, Mr. Yuschenko recovered and appears fully able to assume the Ukrainian Presidency. Greenpeace's view of the situation, may be found in an article ominously titled "Dioxin – Closer Than You Think!"

Greenpeace's view of dioxin, is that "Dioxins are amongst the most deadly toxins known to man." Winston has to ask, if dioxins are so "deadly" and Mr. Yuschenko received an immense quantity of the most dangerous form of dioxin of a purity so high that it could only be created in a laboratory, why is he alive and doing rather well, other than some facial scaring?

Not surprisingly, Greenpeace is concerned with neither toxicology nor Ukrainian politics but rather with their apparently endless campaign against the plastics industry.

Fortunately for the future of Ukrainian democracy, Mr. Yuschenko's opponents are as ignorant of dioxin's toxicity as is Greenpeace.

  • Click to see Greenpeace story.
  • Click to see news report.

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