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Atomic Watchdog
The Wisconsin Project (TWP) is a nuclear arms control watchdog based in Washington, DC that operates under the auspices of the University of Wisconsin. TWP's mission since 1986 is to "slow the spread of weapons of mass destruction...."

One of TWP's key undertakings is Iran Watch, "a comprehensive web site that monitors Iran's ability to construct weapons of mass destruction." Work performed by Iran Watch includes describing "suspect Iranian organizations and sites and lists [of] their foreign suppliers." The group "also analyzes Iran's weapon-related activities and provides a range of documents produced by international organizations, national governments and private sources." In the tradition of the best watchdogs, Iran Watch " welcomes inquiries and comments from policy makers, scholars, journalists and the general public."

The most recent Bulletin from Iran Watch notes that "Iran's actual nuclear conduct suggests that it wants to generate more than just kilowatts. The best evidence of this is the similarity between what Iran did secretly for nearly twenty years and what Iraq did before the 1991 Gulf War. Both countries conducted secret nuclear experiments, and both relied on clandestine imports and on cover-ups."

In comparing Iran's current nuclear activities with "Iraq's pre-1991 efforts to build a bomb under the nose of nuclear inspectors...." the Bulletin states that "...Iran's secret nuclear work should leave little doubt as to the weapon intentions of the Iranian regime." As for conclusions, the Iran Watch report states, that an "understanding of the parallel between Iraq's actions and Iran's should help determine how the world reacts if Iran rejects Europe's proposal and resumes enriching uranium."

  • Click for Iran Watch.

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