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Centralized Regulatory Review

An Archive

Multidisciplinary Management: Administrative State

CRE Priority Projects

Editor: Jim Tozzi: Center for Regulatory Effectiveness; Vintage OIRA

National Archives Interview March 2009: Centralized Regulatory Review

Seven Game Changers
History of Centralized Regulatory Review
OIRA Reference Library
The Iconic Executive Order 12291
OIRA: Past, Present and Future
OMB Papers on Centralized Regulatory Review: By Administration

Interactive Public Docket

Information (Data) Quality Act

Paperwork Reduction Act

The Amazing Stability of Centralized Regulatory Review

Evolution of Benefit-Cost Analysis into Federal Rulemaking

Benefit - Cost Analysis Now Only One Component of a Regulatory Budget

OIRA, Past, Present and Future

OMB Regulatory Officials

A Magna Carta for the Management of the Administrative State: A Library

Has the Reign of the Economist Ended?

Management of the Administrative State

The 50th Anniversary of Centralized Regulatory Review

Golden Journal Articles

Paperwork Reduction Act (1995) on Data Quality and Data Access

A Comment on the Future of White House Regulatory Oversight and Cost-Benefit Analysis

Two Contentious Regulatory Initiatives

OIRA's Lineage and Enforcement Responsibilities

Policy Entrepreneurs

A Syllabus on OIRA

Lamentation on the Status of Guidance Documents

Quality of Life Review

The 40th Anniversary of the Paperwork Reduction Act

A Magna Carta for the Administrative State

Team Biden Scorecard

Establishing Priority for Public Investments

CRE Contributions to the Administrative State

CRE Publications on Income Distribution in Rulemaking

The Quality of Life Review

The Union of Two Giants: A Win-Win for Consumers of OTC Hearing Aids

A Log on CRE’s First Forum on Congressional Oversight of the Judiciary

A Log on CRE’s Second Forum on Congressional Oversight of the Judiciary

The Birth of a Legal Doctrine in the Administrative State

Management of the Administrative State via ACUS

CRE Contributions to the Administrative State

Regulatory Officials by Administration

A Weekly Report [1999-Present] on Centralized Regulatory Review [ 1969-Present]

“Illegitimate” Descendants of the Fiscal Budget

A Presentation to the Southeastern Association of Law Schools (The Need to Update Law School Curricula)

ESG Investing and Fiduciaries—A Forced Marriage?

The New FTC: Exhibit # 1 on the Need to Revamp Both Law School Curricula and the Regulation of Big Tech

Senior Executive Service: A Lost Cause or a Gem in Need of Rejuvenation?

The Need to Modernize Law School Curricula

A Response to the Presidential Executive Order on Modernizing Centralized Regulatory Review

A Wakeup Call: The Chinese Threat in the Arctic

Questions for the OIRA Administrator

OIRA and its Origins: Implications for the Biden Presidency

Team Biden: OIRA Critiques

Legalization of Medical Marijuana