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Publisher Issues Press Release for New Book on Risk
Tharis Professional Books recently informed CRE of the March 1, 2002 publication of a new book entitled Elimination of Risk in Systems. The publisher also included a press release on this new work. Although CRE has not reviewed this publication, the Center wanted to make this new volume known to CRE readers, as it may be a topic of interest.

  • Read press release from Tharis Professional Books.
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    NEWS RELEASE - February 15, 2002

    Tharis Professional Books wishes to announce publication on March 1, 2002, of the title:

    Practical Principles for Eliminating and Reducing Risk
    in Complex Systems
    James Bradley, Ph.D.

    This title will be of interest to professionals in the areas of Risk Analysis, Risk Assessment, and Risk Management in a broad range of application areas, including Engineering Systems, Computer Systems, Business and Investment Systems, and even Military Systems and Medicine.

    This very readable book proposes a new theory of risk, and new risk principles, applicable to all systems, that lead naturally to methods of eliminating and reducing the risks in systems, while preserving the benefits of running those risks. The book demonstrates a unity of principle in a diversity of systems phenomena.

    Full details are to be found at the Amazon listing, at