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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

Associated General Contractors of America and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Announce Partnering Initiative

The Associated General Contractors of America (AGCA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has recently announced a joint initiative to promote partnering in the construction industry. The partnering initiative is a voluntary system for handling construction problems through cooperation, open communications, and a commitment to problem solving. It stresses teamwork to achieve mutual objectives and goals. Along with arbitration and mediation, it is hoped that partnering can help prevent litigation in construction disputes and otherwise benefit the project in question.

The U.S. Corps has endorsed partnering since 1990, stating, "Clearly, the best dispute resolution is dispute prevention ... By taking the time at the start of the project to identify common goals, common interests, lines of communication, and a commitment to cooperative problem solving, we encourage the will to resolve disputes and achieve project goals."

A joint website has been set up to highlight case studies of best practices and to provide additional partnering resources. That website, at, provides the following types of information:

  • Best Practices Case Studies
  • History of Partnering
  • Upcoming Meetings
  • Articles on Partnering
  • Facilitator Database
  • AGCA Heavy Industrial Information
  • Resource Library
  • Information on AGCA and the Corps

CRE strongly supports such cooperative efforts which prevent unnecessary litigation and preserve resources for projects that further the agency's mission. CRE hopes that the partnering principle can be extended to other federal agencies to promote cooperative efforts which would forestall unnecessary regulation and litigation.

Click here to go to the AGC/Corps Partnering Website (

CRE invites all interested parties to submit comments on these issues to CRE's Interactive Public Docket.

Please click below to submit comments regarding the AGC/Corps Partnering Initiative.

AGC/Corps Partnering Initiative: Interactive Public Docket

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