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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

USTR and CEQ Seek Second Set of Comments on Environmental Guidelines

On February 22, 2000 the USTR and CEQ solicited comments in the Federal Register on issues the agencies should consider when developing guidelines for implementing the Order. The notice invited comment on general views on how the environmental process should work, mechanisms for involving the public, the timing and process for conducting written reviews, and appropriate methodologies for assessing environmental impacts in the context of trade negotiations. The agencies received twenty-two sets of comments from a broad range of the public, including representatives of industry, agriculture, and environmental organizations.

These public comments helped the USTR and CEQ develop the draft Guidelines which have been published in the Federal Register. It is concerning these draft Guidelines that the USTR and CEQ are seeking additional comment.

This second round of comments differs from the first, because it seeks reaction to the draft Guidelines. The draft Guidelines provide something concrete for the public to comment on. The first comment request simply sought information to be included in the Guidelines. Thus, this second round of comments can also be seen as a way for the agencies to refine the Guidelines further using more public input. According to a Trade Representative official, this step to include a second set of comments also shows that this issue is of great importance to the Administration.

The final version of the Guidelines for implementing the Executive Order should be published in the Federal Register by early Fall of 2000. -Click to submit comment

Click here to view complete notice in Federal Register including the draft guidelines and deadline for comment submission:

CRE invites all interested parties to submit comments on these issues to CRE's Interactive Public Docket.

Please click below to submit comments regarding the USTR and CEQ's Solicitation of Comments.

USTR and CEQ's Solicitation of Comments: Interactive Public Docket

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