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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

EPA Solicits Comments on Two Draft Pesticide Science Policy Documents Concerning Pesticide Risk Assessment in Drinking Water

The two documents together describe the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) approach to conducting a screening-level risk assessment of pesticide residues in water.

The two documents are entitled, respectively, "Drinking Water Screening-Level Assessments" and "Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Incorporating Screening-Level Estimates of Drinking Water Exposures into Aggregate Risk Assessments." These documents are related to the implementation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as amended by the Food Quality Protection Act which was signed into law in 1996.

The EPA is soliciting comments on these two draft documents which must be received on or before December 11, 2000. Comments also must be identified by docket control number OPP-00679 in order to ensure proper receipt by the EPA. Copies of these documents may be obtained three ways: electronically, fax-on-demand, and in person. For complete details on obtaining copies, sending comments, and for further contact information in general, please click on the Federal Register notice below.

Click here to read full notice in the Federal Register.

CRE invites all interested parties to submit comments on these issues to CRE's Interactive Public Docket.

Please click below to submit comments regarding EPA's Pesticide Risk Assessment in Drinking Water.

EPA's Pesticide Risk Assessment in Drinking Water: Interactive Public Docket

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