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CRE Archives
Data Access

Strategy for Implementing Data Quality Objectives
The CRE's Planned Project Work Activities.

OMB issues final rule on Circular A-110
OMB issues its final rule implementing the Data Access provisions of Public Law 105-277. Focus will now turn to agency promulgation of conforming regulations to tailor the OMB mandate to their specific programs.

Agencies Issue Interim Final Rule for Codification of Data Access
Federal grants-awarding agencies have issued an interim final rule designed to codify agency implementation of the OMB revision to Circular A-110. This new rule, published in the March 16, 2000 Federal Register (65 Fed. Reg. 14406), does not set out new substantive requirements but instead advances implementation of OMB's earlier revision to Circular A-110 by federal agencies. The interim rule is effective April 17, 2000.