H2O water (*source)
ETOH ethanol
DHT dihydrotestosterone
CPA cyproterone acetate
ATZ atrazine
TBH tyrone B hayes
AS Ali Stuart
VJ Vineet Jindal
AV Aaron Vonk
ABB Adrienne Brunner-Brown
ML Melissa Lee
KC Karen Chan
R red
O+P orange+purple
Y yellow
W+Y white+yellow
P+R purple+red
O+R orange+red
W+B white+blue
R+W red+white
O+Y orange+yellow
O orange
R+Y red+yellow
mg milligrams
XL Xenopus laevis
Vol volume
Conc consentration
ml milliliters
Mon Monday
Tues Tuesday
Wed Wednesday
Thur Thursday
Fri Friday
Sat Saturday
Sun Sunday
Oct October
Nov November
Dec December
Jan January
Feb February
PM postmetamorphosis
FLE forelimb emergence
TR tail reabsorption
SVL snout-vent length
BW body weight
MEOH methanol
mt military time (as determined by Shaka)
TTL total length
Rtime retrieval time = the time (mt)_that animals are removed by net from the tank
NF Niewkoop-Faber
Ftime freeze time= the time that animals are placed on dry ice
Htime handling time=time it takes to measure and sex animals= (Ftime-Rtime)
B Bouin's solution
F frozen (-80)
TL tail length
ID identification number
C continue treatment in postmetamorphosis
R reverse treatment in postmetamorphosis = controls become atrazine-treated, atrazine-treated become untreated
ppb parts per billion
x-sec transverse cross section
sag sec sagittal section
SD sex determined
ND not determined