
Use & Conservation Tillage
Environmental Impacts


Center for Regulatory Effectiveness
Farm Groups
State Groups
Triazine Network



Scientific Literature

I. Human Health Effects

A) EPA Documents

  1. EPA's Health Effects Revised Risk Assessment for Atrazine Re-registration review under FIFRA and FQPA.

  2. EPA's FQPA Safety Factor Report for Atrazine Re-registration review under FIFRA and FQPA.

  3. EPA's HIARC Report for Atrazine Re-registration review under FIFRA and FQPA.

  4. EPA's MARC Committee Report for Atrazine Re-registration review under FIFRA and FQPA.

  5. EPA's Revised Toxicology Chapter for Atrazine Re-registration review under FIFRA and FQPA.

  6. EPA's Product and Residue Chemistry Chapter for Atrazine Reregistration review under FIFRA and FQPA.

  7. EPA's Revised Occupational and Residential Exposure Assessment for Atrazine Re-registration review under FIFRA and FQPA.

  8. EPA's Review of Probabilistic Exposure Assessment for Drinking Water in 28 Community Water Systems for Atrazine Re-registration review under FIFRA and FQPA.

  9. EPA's Safe Drinking Water Standard Fact Sheet for Atrazine.

  10. "Grouping of Triazines Based on a Common Mechanism of Toxicity-a Discussion of Scientific Evidence for Determining Existence of a Common Mechanism of Toxicity Among Triazines," EPA (April 2002).

  11. EPA's Draft Atrazine Aquatic Life Criteria Document (January 2001).

B) Other Government Documents

  1. Atrazine: Hazard and Dose-Response Assessment and Characterization (SAP Report N. 2000-05).

  2. Draft Toxicological Program for Atrazine, ASTDR (Sept. 2001).

C) Syngenta Documents

  1. Syngenta's April 2001 comments on the preliminary health risk assessment.

  2. Syngenta's comments on the preliminary health risk assessment.

D) Aromatase Induction

  1. "Effects of Chloro-s-Triazine Herbicides and Metabolites on Aromatase Activity in Various Human Cell Lines and on Vitellogenin Production in Male Carp Hepatocytes," Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol 109, Number 10 (Oct. 2001).

CRE's position on Aromatase Induction

    CRE does not believe there can be any reliable conclusions regarding atrazine's effects on Aromatase Induction until there are properly validated tests for such effects. CRE and several agricultural groups have filed a Data Quality Act Petition on this issue.

II. Environmental Effects

A) EPA Documents

  1. EPA's Environmental Fate and Effects Revised Risk Assessment for Atrazine Re-registration review under FIFRA and FQPA.

B) Syngenta Documents

  1. Syngenta's comments on Environmental Fate and Effects Revised Risk Assessment for Atrazine Re-registration review under FIFRA and FQPA.

C) Amphibian Effects Literature

  1. "Response of Larval Xenopus Laevis to Atrazine: Assessment of Growth, Metamorphosis, and Gonadal and Laryngeal Morphology," Carr et al., Environ. Tox. & Chem. Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 396-405 (2003), (Contains copyrighted material).

  2. "Response of the Amphibian Tadpole (Xenopus Laevis) to Atrazine During Sexual Differentiation of the Ovary," Tavera-Mendoa et al., Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp 527-531 (2002), (Contains copyrighted material).

  3. "Hermaphroditic, Demasculized Frogs after Exposure to the Herbicide Atrazine at Low Ecologically Relevant Doses," Hayes et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 99, Issue 8, 5476-5480 (April 16, 2002), (Contains copyrighted material).

  4. "Herbicides: Feminization of Male Frogs In the Wild," Hayes et al., Nature, 419, 895-896 (2002), (Contains copyrighted material).

  5. "Atrazine-Induced Hermaphroditism at 0.1 PPB in American Leopard Frogs (Rana Pipens): Laboratory and Field Evidence," Environmental Health Perspectives, (October 23, 2002), (Contains copyrighted material).

  6. "Synergism Between Trematatode Infection and Pesticide Exposure: A Link to Amphibian Limb Deformities in Nature ?" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 99, Issue 15, 9900-9904 (July 23, 2002), (Contains copyrighted material).

  7. Critique of Hayes Frog Studies.

CRE's position on Amphibian Risks

    CRE does not believe there can be any reliable conclusions regarding atrazine's effects on amphibians until there are properly validated tests for such effects. CRE and several agricultural groups have filed a Data Quality Act Petition on this issue.

D) Aromatase Induction

  1. "Effects of Chloro-s-Triazine Herbicides and Metabolites on Aromatase Activity in Various Human Cell Lines and on Vitellogenin Production in Male Carp Hepatocytes," Sanderson et al., Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol 109, Number 10 (Oct. 2001).

  2. "Alterations in Steroidogenesis in Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) Exposed Naturally and Experimentally to Environmental Contaminants, " Crain et al., Envrionmental Health Perspectives, Volume 105, Number 5 (May 1997).

CRE's position on Aromatase Induction

    CRE does not believe there can be any reliable conclusions regarding atrazine's effects on Aromatase Induction until there are properly validated tests for such effects. CRE and several agricultural groups have filed a Data Quality Act Petition on this issue.

Copyright Notice The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness [Copyright © 2003]. All rights reserved.