• A Major Wall Street Firm To Opine On Competitive Bidding Rule

    A major Wall Street firm which evaluates the stock of publicly held companies will offer comments on the CMS competitive bidding rule. This extraordinary measure is required because regulators have not assessed the impact the Interim Final Rule will have on a number of firms


    2 responses to “A Major Wall Street Firm To Opine On Competitive Bidding Rule” RSS icon

    • See CRE website which states the following: (http://www.thecre.com/about.html)

      “CRE has no members, but it receives, from time to time, financial support, services in kind, and work product from foundations, trade associations and private firms. Consequently, at any one time, CRE benefits from the input or advice of literally hundreds of small and large firms.”

    • It is already on the street to buy the bigger Oxygen Companies stocks because no one can compete with them and its a grantee of growth. DAH..What’s that telling you..

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