• Google Highlights the CRE IPD on CMS Rule

    cms-ipd-google-pdfOn the launch date for the CRE IPD , Google recognized the CRE website on the CMS Competitive Bid rule by listing the IPD on the first page of a Google search when the words “CMS competitive bidding” are entered  in the search engine– see the attachment.

    The aforementioned placement by Google will ensure that comments placed on the  IPD will be given considerable publicity–considerably  more than is accomplished by relying on a static regulatory docket.

    Now it is the responsibility of the public and the regulated community to make their views known to CMS  by updating their comments on a continuous basis by either using the “comments” tab on their public filing identified below or by expressing their views  in the Discussion Form in the upper right hand corner of this page.

    Given the recent article in Bid News (accessible in upper right portion of this site) which reports that CMS is locked in its position, it is imperative that additional data–not rhetoric–be generated.

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