• Request for Information

    CRE’s Data Quality Alert emphasized the need for reliable data on a number of specific issues including “supplier capacity.”  This term refers to CMS’ estimates of the ability of bidders to meet projected demand for DMEPOS items within a Competitive Bidding Area (CBA).  CMS’ planned methodology for estimating supplier capacity includes looking “at trend data for new suppliers in that area, and examine the capacity of other suppliers in that area.”


    CRE requests that readers provide us with supplier capacity information including data related to projected demand and data concerning the ability, or inability, of potential bidders to meet demand in a CBA in accordance with CMS standards.


    Information may be provided with attribution, or anonymously, either by clicking on the comments link just under the title of this article or by sending an email to cmscomments@thecre.com.  Readers may also discuss the supplier capacity issue by using the Submit a Post function on the Discussion Forum, http://www.thecre.com/Forum/.


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