• CRE Launches An Investigation of the CMS Accreditation Program

    Based upon a series of allegations made by DME suppliers and consultants in the CRE Discussion Forum,  CRE is launching an investigation of the CMS Accrediation program. The allegations are set forth at  http://www.thecre.com/Forum/?p=1420

    The investigation will be conducted by experienced IG investigators and will be performed in a transparent manner, meaning CRE’s analyses and requests for information will be presented on the Discussion Forum at http://www.thecre.com/Forum/

    CRE requests that its  audience provide relevant background information to CRE through the Discussion Forum. http://www.thecre.com/Forum/

     Annoymous submissions are accepted.

  • CMS Will Not Grant An Extension for DME Accreditation

    CRE has had extensive discussions with CMS regarding accreditation. CMS has decided not to grant an extension to DME providers. In arriving at this decision, CMS has given serious consideration to several Congressional mandates, including patient access and Congressionally mandated deadlines.

    CRE is not in a position to provide its readers with business advice; however we are in a position to inform you of your options regarding accreditation.

    If you are likely not to be accredited you should give consideration to voluntarily terminating your enrollment in the Medicare program–please see page 4 of the CMS 855S. If you fail to voluntarily terminate your enrollment with the Medicare program you will lose your billing privileges which will bar you from re-enrolling for at least one year from the date of revocation.

  • CRE Requests CMS Extension of DMEPOS Supplier Accreditation Deadline

    CRE has requested an extension of the DMEPOS supplier accreditation deadline because of the backlog at accrediting organizations. Failure to grant the extension will result in a serious curtailment of services to beneficiaries, particularly in rural areas. The CRE request lays out in painstaking detail the legal authority of CMS to grant the extension.

    Please post your views on the Discussion Forum at http://www.thecre.com/Forum/